Authentic, meaningful, and effective counseling services to help students reach their college goals.

Why work with Clearstory?

I know the college admissions landscape. I know high school students. And I’m on a mission to make getting into college a time of growth, possibility and joy for my students and their families.

Choosing a college is typically the first major life decision high school students make. It requires students to reflect on themselves and their goals, to identify colleges that will support those goals, and to craft an application that conveys their story. It’s an exciting step toward adulthood.

My superpower is my ability to help students find and tell their stories—to identify their passions, values, talents and thematic threads. I help illuminate a complex process, and my students feel supported, organized and proud of the applications they submit.

  • college counseling

    Why hire a college consultant?

    The admissions landscape is growing more complicated every year, and students and their families experience a lot of big emotions during the process: excitement, fear, and self-doubt.

  • stefanie esposito clearstory

    Meet Stefanie

    With 17 years of college counseling experience, I have guided 700+ students and their families to college. As an independent counselor, I have assisted students from coast to coast in their college search and application process.

  • college counseling services


    Whether you’re a senior experiencing crunch time or brand new to high school, we offer a range of packages to provide the support you need.

  • professional college counseling

    Let's Get Started

    Are you ready to get the support that you (and your child) need during the biggest decision of their young adult lives? Contact Clearstory today to set up a free, initial 15-minute consultation with Stefanie.

“My son worked with Stefanie during his fall semester of senior year. She helped him through every step of the process in applying for college. She reviewed schools he was interested in and identified new schools she thought would be a good fit. She and Thomas created a spreadsheet to track what type of information each school required and when deadlines were due. Stefanie also helped Thomas decide what he wanted to write about for his college application essay and made several suggestions in a collaborative process. Her expertise in coaching teens through this crucial period was evident and very much appreciated!!”

- Kristin